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True worship is the totality (spirit, soul [mind, will, & emotions], and body) of our life surrendered to God. To worship God is to live sacrificially according to His will for our lives and not our personal will. Otherwise, we will believe we worship the Omnipotent God of all creation when we truly don’t. When we worship God, His will becomes ours.

Understand this, even false gods requires sacrifices (continual worship) that honors their will. Their requirements will always be immoral and opposite of God’s requirements and standards. With this in mind, are the sacrifices we make daily honoring God or the god of this world? There’s no way around getting out of worship. We were created for that very purpose. However, worshiping the right God (the One Who is Holy) is key! Our lives will either honor God or the enemy (Satan).

To worship the Lord is an intentional cost. It’s doesn’t happen by words or merely believing. But by a life completely surrendered to the Lord on purpose with evidence of His fruit. On the contrary, worshiping the enemy starts by surrendering to our will which is tied to the lust of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life (see 1 John 2:16).

Remember, it’s impossible to worship God and disregard His standards. Obeying His standards is our worship unto Him.

“I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1 AMPC

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Updated: Jun 12, 2022

As I look at the body of Christ, I see a significant disconnect among the Shepherds and the sheep as it relates to the desire of God's heart. The President's reopening of churches as essential has caused fighting amongst the saints because of concern for the sheep getting sick with the Coronavirus.

Here's what I hear the Lord is saying: "As Shepherds watching over My sheep, it's important to protect My sheep at all cost. However, where have many of you been all this time? Why haven't you been as concerned about the souls of my sheep as you are about them catching the virus? Selah! A sick soul full of spiritual viruses due to a lack of holy living, disciplining, and teaching is worse than any virus that can harm the physical body", says the Lord.

"In addition, when did My people get 'discernment' all of a sudden when many have yet to discern the truth of Who I Am after all these years? A significant number of My sheep aren't growing into disciples (spiritual warriors) because most of the Shepherds I put in place to watch over their souls are no longer growing themselves spiritually. You have built your kingdoms instead of Mine, says the Lord. If you are a Shepherd after my heart, that means you're supposed to care about the things that concern Me. Most of My sheep lack a personal relationship with Me because My Shepherds have taken My place in their lives. Also, many of My sheep, along with My Shepherds, aren't clear about who I AM because you all are still involved in idolatry and the likes while trying to serve Me at the same time. Why are My people still confused about what I call holy and unholy?

Additionally, many of My people scoff at spiritual things as if they're all untrue conspiracies, which indeed confirms a lack of spiritual integrity and knowledge concerning Satan (the enemy) and his many devices. How can you win against a living enemy you don't know? The souls of My people (sheep and Shepherds) are in more trouble than their physical bodies catching the Coronavirus. REPENT! I AM concerned about the whole being of My people (spirit, soul, and body) as I've always been. Shepherds, if you are only worried about the sheep getting physically sick than them possessing a righteous soul (from balanced and just teaching), then my Shepherds have failed my sheep! Besides, many of you have been spiritually sick and lacking sound teaching about Me, My laws, My Word, and My standards for the longest!"

"Many of my people still haven't repented from their idolatry, witchcraft, divination, sexual sins, perversion, and the like because they don't believe they're in sin (and some don't care). Many people lack studying My Word for themselves, and many of My Shepherds have stopped preaching sound doctrine (which keeps the souls of my people consciously aware of sin and iniquity) for the sake of fame, money, and popularity. The main reason why My people are remaining in sin is because they don't know Me. I AM a God of wrath, just like I AM a God of blessings and benefits", says the Lord.

"Moreover, My people are consistently getting prophecies about the blessings I have for them without getting prophecies about My righteous restrictions, which are a byproduct for My blessings. I Am a just God! And that which is unjust is an abomination unto Me—Who Hates an unjust balance (Proverbs 11:1). My blessings are predicated on obedience to My Word."

"I want my people safe from all viruses as well as the virus of sin and getting offended by the truth (which are My standards and Who I AM). Blessed are those who take no offense at Me and are not hindered from seeing and hearing the truth. Shepherds and sheep, you must get back to doing kingdom ministry My way. Seek first My Kingdom and My righteousness, then all these things (blessings, etc.) will be automatically added unto you. By the way, being afraid of a virus over Me is idolatry because you're making it bigger than Me", says the Lord.

"This is nevertheless My Word to you: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

Finally, "there is no ascension in Me (God) without having clean hands and a pure heart, regardless of how many prophetic Words maybe released unto you. My Bride (the Church) has been sick with the virus of sin, idolatry, and the like long before the Coronavirus was made manifest. However, I allowed Satan to release it so that you all can get your houses in order before it's too late. Many of my people are currently living in fear of the virus because they lack a real prayer life, which also means they lack real power. Living as a True Believer wasn't a part of my people lifestyle, and the enemy caught them off guard. Remember, real soldiers live sober and alert.

No one is walking with Me unless they agree with Me", says the Lord. "Plus, no human being can walk in faith (the Word of God) if they don't honestly believe in Me, My ways, or know My Word. To My Shepherds, if you're only teaching, preaching, prophesying, and the like to please people and not correct with My righteous standards, then you're their leader, and not Mine", says The Most High God.

Let those who have an ear hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to His Church.

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True preparation is keeping the end in mind. Why should we? Because everything we’re to do as Believers should be done from a place of righteousness. That’s God’s requirement of us and, what we do is either approved or rejected by Him. We should also keep our end in mind because our daily decisions have the ability to affect our now as well as our end result which is to be reconciled back to the Father in Heaven. This is why it is important to know the ways of God and what He requires so that we can make daily decisions based on what His will is for us.

As kingdom people, we’re supposed to live by and operate within the confines of God’s agenda and His purpose for us being alive. That being said, when the people of God don’t consider and take seriously their end as a part of how they live their day to day lives, then what are we being taught by our spiritual leaders and do we really have a serious relationship with God for ourselves? There’s more to life than earthly success. Achievements mean nothing when our soul salvation is not in Christ. And if we died this very moment, our soul will be lost for an eternity all because we didn’t live with the end in mind.

When our spiritual leaders fail (and many are currently failing) at keeping the body of Christ consciously aware of our end, they help cultivate a body of people who are unprepared and spiritually crippled about pieces of prophetic times we must enter, because each piece brings us closer to the entire end. The question of the day is this: “For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world [with all its pleasures], and forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:36 AMP

With this in mind, if spiritual leaders aren’t preparing the body of Christ for the end, then they’re doing us a great injustice. In Christ, our now is not more important than your end result. However, how we use our gifts, talents, and time, along with the decisions we’re making daily should all be done considering the big picture which is hearing God say, “Servant well done!” Remember, only what we do for Christ will last!

What’s for sure is this: Our salvation is EVERYTHING! Why? Because we’re working it out daily; whether to be with God (The Sovereign Creator of this world) or the god of this world (Satan) for eternity. Because salvation is a covenant agreement. Those who keep the covenant, gets the benefits of the agreement. Selah!

P.S. Everyone’s end of life on earth won’t be at the same time. Someone’s life will end today and another tomorrow and so on. That means we're to stay consciously ready! No one can afford to only live for now without keeping our end in mind daily. Selah!

- Michael Moorer

Scripture references:

Watch therefore [give strict attention and be cautious and active], for you know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come. Matthew 25:13 AMPC

When all has been heard, the end of the matter is: fear God [worship Him with awe-filled reverence, knowing that He is almighty God] and keep His commandments, for this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, every hidden and secret thing, whether it is good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 AMP

But understand this: had the householder known in what [part of the night, whether in a night or a morning] watch the thief was coming, he would have watched and would not have allowed his house to be undermined and broken into. Matthew 24:43 AMPC

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